Going Keto? Here's How to Choose Healthy Fats

Bestsellers for ALOHA Ingredients

Embarking on a keto journey can feel like navigating uncharted waters, especially when it comes to fats—the cornerstone of this low-carb lifestyle. But, with the right knowledge, you'll soon be distinguishing between beneficial oils and those best left on the shelf. Whether you're exploring MCT oil for its energy-boosting properties or considering sunflower oil's place in your diet, understanding which fats align with your health goals is key. At ALOHA, we believe that choosing healthy fats shouldn't be complicated—so let's dive into how to keep it simple and supportive of your healthiest, happiest path.

What is the Keto Diet?

a man is holding a aloha bar in his hands

The keto diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet designed to make your body burn fat for energy instead of sugar from carbs. This switch happens when you eat very few carbs, which lowers the sugar in your blood and makes your body use fat for fuel.

Here are some key points about the keto diet:

  • Your daily food includes lots of fats, some proteins, and just a few carbs.
  • Eating this way helps your body enter a state called ketosis.

  • In ketosis, your body burns fat more easily.

  • The goal is to get most of your calories from healthy fats rather than carbohydrates or sugars.

When choosing fats on the keto diet:

  1. Pick natural sources like avocados and nuts instead of processed options.

  2. Use oils like olive oil for cooking instead of ones with trans fats.

  3. Enjoy cheese by adding it to veggies or salads but watch portions since it's also high in protein.

  4. Opt for sugar-free foods like plain, full-fat Greek yogurt

Remember that not all fats are good for you even if they fit into the keto plan:

  • Avoid processed meats and fried foods because they can have unhealthy fats.

  • Stay away from artificial trans fats found in some packaged snacks and baked goods.

Eating healthy on keto means focusing on whole foods that give you better nutrition. With ALOHA products, we only use healthy fats, like MCT oil, to make sure you're getting plant-based goodness without any hassle.

Understanding MCT Oil

a woman in a pink sweater is holding a blue aloha bar in her hands

Medium-chain triglycerides (MCT oil) are a type of saturated fat that is easily absorbed and metabolized by the body making it a powerful energy-boosting ingredient.

Potential benefits of MCT oil:

  • Plant-based when derived from coconut.

  • Your body turns it into energy quickly.

  • It helps you feel full so you might eat less.

  • It helps your body burn fats instead of carbs and sugar.

  • MCTs can be turned quickly into ketones, which boosts your metabolism, helping you burn more calories even after eating.

  • MCT oil is compatible with the keto diet.

  • May improve insulin sensitivity

How to use MCT oil:

  • Talk to your doctor before making changes to your diet

  • Start with a small amount to see how your body reacts before using more.

  • Add it to smoothies or coffee for an extra boost.

  • Use it in homemade salad dressings instead of other oils.

  • Cook with it at low temperatures (high heat can break down its benefits).

  • Keep in mind that while MCT oil is great for quick energy, balance is key in any diet.

Understanding Sunflower Seed Oil

a bowl of peanut butter is sitting on a wooden table next to sunflower seeds

Sunflower seed oil is a non-volatile oil extracted from the seeds of sunflowers. It's known for its versatility in cooking and baking, as well as for its potential health benefits when chosen carefully. Sunflower seed oil may be beneficial to heart health due to its ability to help maintain healthy cholesterol levels, but not all sunflower seed oils are made equal.

Differentiating between sunflower oils:

  • High-oleic sunflower oil is mostly made up of monounsaturated fats. These are the same kind of healthy fats found in avocados and nuts. This oil has less polyunsaturated fat, which means it can be better for your heart.

  • Mid-oleic sunflower oil also has lots of monounsaturated fats but more polyunsaturated ones than high-oleic. It's still a heart-friendly option with over 60% oleic acid.

  • Linoleic sunflower oil flips the script with around 65% polyunsaturated fats and fewer monounsaturated ones. While these aren't bad, too much might not be best for keeping inflammation low.

Potential risks of sunflower oil:

It's important to understand that while monounsaturated fats like those found in high-oleic sunflower oil can support cardiovascular health by improving cholesterol levels, polyunsaturated fats such as linoleic acid have a more complex impact on our bodies. When exposed to high temperatures, oils rich in polyunsaturated fats can oxidize, leading to the formation of aldehydes and other toxic substances which may contribute to oxidative stress and inflammation within the body.

For individuals following a ketogenic diet where healthy fats play a pivotal role, it’s crucial to select oils with stability under heat and beneficial fatty acid profiles. High-oleic sunflower oil stands out as an excellent choice due to its resistance to oxidation at higher temperatures compared with its linoleic-rich counterparts. At ALOHA, this is the type of sunflower oil we use.

When picking sunflower oils:

  1. Choose high- or mid-oleic oils if you want more good-for-your-heart fats.

  2. Use linoleic sparingly because it's higher in pro-inflammatory fats.

  3. Remember to check labels so you know which type you're getting.

In summary, while embracing healthy fats is key on a keto journey, it's equally vital to be discerning about the types of oils you incorporate into your diet. Opting for those like MCT oil and sunflower seed oil with favorable fatty acids like monounsaturated fats—and being mindful of their smoke points—can help maintain both your dietary goals and overall well-being.


What’s the best way to track my fat intake on a keto diet?

To track your fat intake, use a food diary app or write down everything you eat. Pay attention to the nutrition labels to see how much fat is in each serving of food.

How many grams of fat should I aim for each day on keto?

The amount of fat you need on a keto diet varies based on your total calorie intake, current weight, and goals. However, fat typically makes up 70-80% of your daily calories on keto. Consult with a dietitian or your doctor to get a personalized plan.

Can I use protein powder on a keto diet?

Yes, you can use protein powder on a keto diet. Look for powders with low net carbs and no added sugars, like those offered by ALOHA.

Are there any vegan sources of healthy fats?

Yes, vegan sources include avocados, seeds, nuts, and plant-based oils like coconut, MCT oil derived from coconut, or olive oil.

How do I know if I’m in ketosis?

Signs include increased thirst, frequent urination, fatigue, hunger, and fruity-smelling breath. To confirm, use a ketone test strip.

What is the best time of day to consume MCT oil?

MCT oil can be consumed at any time. It’s often used in the morning in coffee or a smoothie to provide quick energy.

Is there a maximum amount of cheese I should eat per day on keto?

While cheese is keto-friendly, it is also high in protein and calories. Monitor your overall intake to ensure it fits within your daily fat and calorie goals.

How do I make sure I’m getting enough Omega-3 fatty acids on a keto diet?

To get enough Omega-3s, include fatty fish in your diet, like salmon or mackerel, and consider a high-quality fish oil supplement.

Is it okay to have zero carbs on a keto diet?

While very low carb intake is a staple of keto, consuming some carbs is important for fiber and nutrients. Strive for a balance using low-carb vegetables.

Can I drink alcohol on a keto diet?

Some alcohol is low in carbs, like certain spirits and dry wines. However, alcohol can affect ketosis and impede weight loss, so consumption should be moderate and infrequent.

ALOHA does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any information published on this website or by this company is not intended as medical advice. Always consult a qualified health or mental health professional with any questions or concerns about your physical or mental health.

ALOHA Buying Guide

Vanilla Protein Powder

ALOHA Organic Plant-Based Protein Powder is a vegan protein powder with 18g of clean, organic, plant-based protein per pouch. It contains 200mg omega-3s and provides an excellent source of magnesium & iron. It is also USDA Certified Organic Non-GMO, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Soy-Free and Vegan.

The ALOHA Organic Plant-Based Protein Powder is an ideal supplement for those looking to promote lean muscle development. Each pouch provides 18g of clean, organic, plant-based protein alongside 200mg of omega 3s and essential minerals such as magnesium and iron. This vegan protein powder is also certified organic by the USDA meaning it contains no preservatives or artificial ingredients. It is also gluten free, dairy free, soy free and vegan friendly! All these features make the ALOHA Organic Plant Based Protein Powder an easy choice for anyone looking for a healthy source of nutrition.

Why People Love This
  • Organic and Plant-Based ingredients promote a healthier lifestyle
  • The delicious Vanilla flavor adds a sweet touch to your protein shakes
  • As it is a Protein Powder, it helps in muscle recovery and growth
  • A good source of protein for those on a vegan or vegetarian diet
  • At 1.14 Pounds (518g), it provides a good quantity that lasts for an extended period
  • Packaging is sturdy and ensures the product remains fresh
  • The product is easy to mix with water, milk, or any preferred beverage without forming lumps.

The Kona Bar (Pack of 6)

ALOHA's Organic Plant Based Protein Bars are vegan, low sugar, gluten free, paleo friendly and contain 14 grams of USDA organic plant-based protein.

The ALOHA Organic Plant Based Protein Bars are a delicious and healthy snack option. They are made with local ingredients from Hawai’i such as 100% Kona Coffee, 100% Hawai’i-grown Macadamia Nuts and Ponova oil from O'ahu's North Shore. The bars contain 14 grams of USDA organic plant-based protein as well as 10g of fiber and only 5g of sugar per bar, making them an excellent choice for those looking for a nutritious snack. Furthermore, the bars are vegan, Non-GMO, gluten free snacks that are Soy-Free, Dairy-Free and Stevia-Free. Finally, 10% of proceeds from the bars will be donated to Kupu to support agricultural education programs in Hawaii – a nice touch!

Why People Love This
  • Organic Plant Based Protein: Consumers love the fact that these bars are made from organic plant-based protein, making them a great source of protein for vegans and vegetarians.
  • Special Edition Kona Flavor: The unique Kona flavor is a hit among customers, who appreciate the novelty and taste of this special edition.
  • Low Sugar: Customers appreciate that these bars are low sugar, making them a healthier snack option.
  • Gluten Free and Paleo: These bars are gluten free and paleo, which fits perfectly into the dietary needs of many consumers.
  • Non-GMO: The fact that these bars are Non-GMO is highly valued by consumers who are careful about their food choices.
  • Free from Stevia, Soy and Erythritol: Customers value the absence of Stevia, Soy and Erythritol in these bars, making them a clean eating option.
  • Low Carb: The low carb count is appreciated by customers who are watching their carbohydrate intake or following a keto diet.

Chocolate Protein Powder

Plant-Based Protein Powder with Organic Chocolate, Keto Friendly, Vegan, Gluten Free, Non-GMO, Stevia Free & Erythritol Free, Soy Free, Dairy Free and Only 4g Sugar.

This Plant-Based Protein Powder is an excellent choice for those looking for a healthy and delicious way to get their daily protein intake. It is vegan and contains no soy or dairy meaning it can be enjoyed by most dietary restrictions. Plus it is keto friendly with only four grams of sugar per serving! It also contains MCT oil giving it a boost of natural energy that will keep you going throughout the day. Finally, this product is free from both stevia and erythritol making it a great choice for those who want to avoid artificial sweeteners.

Why People Love This
  • Plant-Based: The protein powder is vegan-friendly, making it suitable for those following a plant-based lifestyle.
  • Keto Friendly: With MCT Oil included, it is ideal for those on a ketogenic diet.
  • Low Sugar: Containing only 4g of sugar, it's an excellent option for people looking to limit their sugar intake.
  • Gluten and Soy Free: This product is perfect for those with dietary restrictions as it's free from gluten and soy.
  • Dairy Free: Being dairy-free makes it an excellent choice for lactose-intolerant individuals or those avoiding dairy.
  • Non-GMO: The protein powder is non-GMO, indicating a commitment to natural ingredients and health.
  • Free from Stevia and Erythritol: This product does not contain stevia or erythritol, making it a great choice for those who prefer to avoid these sweeteners.

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    $24.99 $32.99
  • Mini Bars - Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip
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  • Protein Bar Sample Pack (Pack of 12)
  • ALOHA Organic Plant Based Protein Bars - Lemon Cashew - Single Bar - Vegan, Low Sugar, Gluten-Free, Paleo, Low Carb, Non-GMO, No Stevia & No Erythritol

Top Questions for ALOHA Ingredients

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